Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Note On Ratings & Upcoming Trip

To begin, I wanted to mention that the rating system I was talking about in the first post will be heavily modified. I was planning on using the system as a judgement for when in the evening the beer was best to have based on what else you'd been drinking, but I feel I need another system too. That being said:

1. Never: I hope to never give a beer a rating of 1, but it may happen. There may be beers I come across in my excursions that should simply never be purchased. An example might be Natural Lite. Never under any circumstances would I recommend that beer to anyone for anything except beer pong, and even then, you can find something better and more fun, example: Strongbow.
2. First Beer: This rating will go to beers which have a unique quality that might be watered down later in the evening when you can no longer taste and fully appreciate it. Another possibility is that this beer is so relaxing, you don't need another one. The final reason a beer might get the rating of 2 is that it is absolutely worth trying because it has such a distinct flavor, aroma, etc. but will likely leave you wanting something more mild.
3. Early On: A beer like this is an any time beer. You've found a golden one. It may not get you astoundingly drunk, but hey, that's not the purpose with good beer, right? A rating of 3 might be given to  a lambics or a smooth Belgian. Another possibility are personal favorites (yours, not mine). An example of my favorites that I like early on are Guinness {Irish water} and Strongbow because of their drinkability and low alcohol content.
4. Late: Beers with a rating of 4 should be your first beer only if you're an alcoholic or Irish. Beers like this are Old Rasputin, beers with such a bite and kick to them that they can only be fully enjoyed when you've already been drinking. These are beers for keeping you where you are or sending you into oblivion (should you really want this). Heavy, angry stouts are the sort of beer you should expect to see here. These are not your "winding down" beers. If you're not trying to get drunk, skip a beer like this.
5. Terminator: Terminators fall into a few categories. The first is a beer with such a high alcohol content that if you finish it, it finishes you! Regardless of any other attribute, the draw to this first category is that it is very alcoholic. Mad Elf or Dragon's Milk would be examples of what I'm thinking of here. Another category is similar to one in rating 2, this beer is has an incredibly distinct flavor, but you want to make sure you're a bit tipsy to take the edge off of the 5's bite. Finally, a rating of 5 could be given to a beer that is so brilliantly smooth, so perfectly flavored, that it is hands down the best beer to end the night on and will give you a pleasant place to leave off, here, I'm thinking of a red sour ale I once had on draft. It is still the best I've ever had.

Now that I've mentioned the way I planned on doing ratings, I should also mention that I plan to learn as much as possible. While my taste buds are fully developed for beer, my mind is not. I don't know the fancy ways to describe aroma and body, but I intend to learn them. Until then, bear with me as I try to describe the amazing things I've tasted.

Next, I also wanted to deal with a secondary rating system. Think of it as a way to gauge my personal opinion of the beer. At some point, I'll try and give my pallet so you can figure it out from there. The first system is meant for everyone whereas this one is specific to me. If all you drink are fruity cosmos, this rating system will be virtually worthless to you, if however, you've had more than a single shot of 151 sober without a chaser, but you still enjoy the near flavorlessness Guinness, then this will hold more interest for you.

A. Not ONLY will I never be drinking this beer, I will never buy it for anyone if they PAID me to do so.
B. Why am I drinking this?!
C. Meh. I am unimpressed by this. If you paid me {price} plus a dollar, I guess I'd have another one.
D. Oh look, a beer. It's a beer. It's... well, it's not thrilling, but give here, I will drink.
E. You have my attention, but the beer is more interesting than you are, so excuse me if I don't hear everything you're saying.
F. I have found this beer. I have renamed it as it is mine now. What have we learned here today? "Beer foamy!"
G. I have seen the end of beer. Please, please go away and leave me with this beer. Come back in 5 minutes with another one, maybe a round for the bar, but bring them all to me.

LASTLY!!! I am making a trip up to the Cave in Cleveland on Sunday night to celebrate my graduation. The first wave of reviews should hopefully be coming from that.

Bright the cheeks and warm the heart,

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