A lot has been going on recently. I was considering joining the military and beginning work where I do virtually nothing but write all day. Because of those two things, I've been on a hiatus that lasted way too long.
More than once I said: "Today I'll rewrite the rating system so it makes more sense and syncs up with the other ones I'm using."
I've also said something like: "Oh boy, I had an awesome beer, I'll write stuff down and rate it." In fact, I even actually wrote a couple of reviews that managed to destroy themselves on the tiny page they were written on. Stupid graphite... Guess I'll just have to get more Dogfish Head Punk and random other things.
Point being, apologies for the not-being-around or mentioning the hiatus, but as soon as I have another new beer, I'll be getting back in the swing of things here on NEO-BS.
Another exciting bit of news: I may be beginning to learn to brew soon. The concept for the beer is called Odin and will be a heavy ABV ale with hints of honey, vanilla, cinnamon, and mint. We'll see if it actually happens.
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart,